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Обо мне

Информация о разработчике
Имя orcurrentresident
Пользователь с Дек. 8, 2008
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
Средний рейтинг дополнений разработчика Пока не оценено

Мои отзывы

JavaScript Debugger

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I hate it! The UI is awkward and inconvenient. There is virtually no documentation. Windows reconfigure themselves without warning and I cant figure out how to change them back. Worst of all I am unable to uninstall it from my windows machine. The uninstall instructions at the website have nothing to do with windows. Perhaps one day this will evolve into a good tool but right now its a half baked item and the user is on the developer's debugging team.

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