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What a palaver to get a proper reply header with date and time etc. Crikey!

But it works with Tb (on my system anyway!).

Here's what I did:

1) Download TB_Reset_Quote_Header_0.4.3.xpi

2) Save to add-ons location (in my case, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird)

3) Copy TB_Reset_Quote_Header_0.4.3.xpi elsewhere.
Rename to TB_Reset_Quote_Header_0.4.3.zip

4) Open TB_Reset_Quote_Header_0.4.3.zip

5) Copy the two .txt files (quoteHdrHtml.txt and quoteHdr.txt) back to C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird (or wherever you saved the xpi file)

6) Install add-on. Restart.

7) Go to Tools > Add-ons > TB Reset Quote Header yadda yadda > Options

8) Under Text Quote Header Template Filename click BROWSE, and find C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\quoteHdr.txt (or whatever)

9) Under DATE FORMAT change to

%dd/%mm/%yyyy %hr:%mn:%ss

to get UK layout and 24 hour clock

10) Click on OK

When I reply to a message, this gives me the following header:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sid Nerk
> To: My name here
> Sent: 09/08/2008 17:32:07 +0100
> Subject: TB Add-ons

You can then edit the text file accordingly. Mine now reads:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: @A@
> To: @R@
> CC: @C@
> Sent(dd/mm/yyyy): @D@

which gives:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sid Nerk
> To: My name here
> Sent(dd/mm/yyyy): 09/08/2008 19:32:07 +0100

Ideally I'd like the month name in there (Aug) instead of the confusing UK/US conflict, and lose the +0100, but I'm not going to fiddle any further...

So: tiresome, but it works.