Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

So i stayed on 52.4 for a 3y now, i didnt knew that i can go to 57 :))) and i will go to update :)) Thanks for info :))
Btw i am using the portable version just to be it easier to update/backup. Regarding the plugin i contactacted the developer, he unfortunately dont have time for this plugin, i guess he found better tools for workflow or he not using it anymore.
For me this plugin is very crucial to my work, where i have dozens of tasks everyday.And tasks connected to email its awesome. So i wanted to hire a PRO javascript programer to fix this and i received reply that because of the change to Overlay Extensions in version 68, it might take over tens of hours to fix/program it. So it might be around 500-1000$ on which i was like wooooo, hold your horses.... I guess i need to find semi pro to make it atleast like 200$ for me to wanted to pay. Until then i'm staying on 52.4 or the 57(will test).

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

which version of thunderbird are you using?
I stay on 57, because of need of this extension.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I struggled to get this addon to work 100%. I found that there was an issue in the addon's code for setting the date value for any date field in the UI. Installing the "Lightning" addon (even though I don't use it) fixed the problem and it seams to be working as advertised.

Fantastic add on, works the way I work. If you find that maintaining a separate task list in another app is a pain, then this add on is for you. 99.9% of my tasks come in by email - so why duplicate all the effort to maintain a task list in a separate app!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It is compatible with TB 57. Great job from developer. No way to export to lightning but maybe it is not meant bacuse you work in the mail view.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Das Add-on war problemlos zu installieren und integriert sich sauber in Thunderbird. Kann damit Infos und Termine aus meinen Mails organisieren und abarbeiten. Leider habe ich noch keine Möglichkeit gefunden, den Task anschließend in lightning zu übernehmen. Damit könnte ich den Vorgang, zumindest terminlich, auch auf allen anderen Kalendern sehen.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Of course you can choose to find more complete and complex task managers, but I find this one really up-to-the-point and practical if you want to quickly and easily manage the hundreds of tasks incoming through email. You can also add tasks which are not linked to emails. It helps you find quickly the email linked to the task you recorded, even though you moved the email to a different folder : I'm saving tons of time with this function ! It keeps my mailbox tidy and my tasks right in front of me. I like it because it is light, easy to use, and for once with a task manager I'm really saving time ! (instead of spending so much time typing the content of the task from the email, and then forgetting about it because it is not stuck in front of my eyes!) For info : I'm using TB with IMAP folders.

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

tasks & mails add a new taskmanager to Thunderbird. Instead, I require an improvement of the basic task manager of Thunderbird to keep the synchronization with Lightening.

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

This addon seems to be working only in Thunderbird and does not interact with lightning calendar where I organise my tasks. Tasks created with task&mails are stand alone in Thunderbird. It's a great pity because two task managers make not sense for me.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This is an excellent add-on and essentially the keystone which makes Thunderbird a useful office tool.

It has been a constant challenge to tie related emails, notes, files, webpages etc together in everyday work.

I have tried various things: trello, kde basket, Evolution and others. This add-on allows me to make a direkt and useable link between tasks (with notes in the description) and emails. Links to local files can be inserted in the description as well (see below).

It takes a little getting use to, but once you get the general idea it's an easy functionality to use.

One thing only is missing for this to be perfect: a rich text editor for the description with the ability to include actual links (web and local files).

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I'm sorry to have to do this but I want to prevent somebody wasting as much time trying to get this working as I did.
The program does not work or is not easy to understand , the manual is poorly written the youtube video is fuzzy with no audio, the filters don't work, the cross linking system does not work for me , it does not work across imap to other accounts. Ive been using computers and programs for 30 years but this program just frustrates me.
Frankly its a waste of time.
If I cant understand it how on earth am I going to teach my staff how to use it.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

BY THE WAY, I use tasks & mails with IMAP and it works beautifully.

I'm giving tasks & mails 5 stars even though I think I need to stop using it for the moment.

It works beautifully within Thunderbird and is much simpler and easier than anything else I've found. Being email centric is great because email runs the world!

Unfortunately, I also need to have access to my tasks on my Android phone.

I use K-9, but I would be willing to use ANY imap compatible email program on my Android if it allowed me to use tasks & mails on my Android.

In fact, all I really need is an app on the Android that would allow me to see my tasks and mails todo list and update it, but having it as an add-on for an Android email client would be better.

A couple of possible workarounds would be:

1. Option to allow tasks & mails to automatically Star email that has a task associated with it -- The star is built into imap and when I star an email it shows up starred in my webmail and on my Android. That would at least allow me to easily see all of the emails that are linked to tasks.

2. Option to allow tasks & mails to automatically send a report on each task when it is added, updated, or closed. I could then set up an email address to receive them on my Android and see a complete status. Perhaps, even include the email linked to the task as an attachment. If not automatically, perhaps, a check box when creating a task which could default to on or off.)

3. Option to allow tasks & mails to send the email report on a schedule (like once daily)

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Doesn't seem to work in TB22. Folders look strange.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.3.1). 

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Great tool for use in Lightning for sorting and organizing tasks. Developer if you promise to add these five (5) features, not only will I donate (maybe multiple times), but will give it five stars:
1) Attach it to the "Today Pane" with ability to explode it out in to a tab if a broader view of the tasks are needed
2) Test it / make it work with IMAP
3) Have it store Tasks locally and sync with Google Tasks
4) Tree organization of tasks / subtasks
5) Grouping of tasks by project / category
Thanks again, hope you are able to incorporate the suggestions

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

very nice and very intuitive

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This add-on is a useful way to link tasks needed to specific emails and keep it on the main email page. The space it takes up, as other reviewers have noted, is quite large but it can be reduced to a manageable size. One feature that is lacking (and the creator has noted) is that it doesn't link up to Lightning. I find this the biggest drawback to the add-on because I don't want to have to retype deadlines twice--and having those deadlines is important in the calendar so one can gauge time amongst other activities that aren't tasks. If this functionality is going to be built into the add-on, I would be happy to donate to the creator. I don't see myself using this for the long term without it, but hope that it will be incorporated!

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

1) When this add-on switch on - I see in folder tree additional column of account`s and folder`s icons on the right of names of accounts and folders.
When I switch this add-on off - this double icons disappeared.
Thunderbird 14.0.1. Ubuntu 12.04-64.

2) Can I import t&m tasks in Lightning?
Or can I auto-export t&m task list in ics-file?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Unbelievable. Absolutely superb. Was wanting something like this for God knows how long. Finally!! Dude, you're a genius!

However, a reminder for the tasks would take the cake, However, this can be achieved by using the "due date" option.

Umm...one thing..when you select a link task, the view jumps to the linked message. However, when you select a linked message the view on the tast list simply turns the linked task status as red. Should it also not "jump" to the linked task?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.3). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Wonderful add-on. I've been looking for an easy to handle add-on, that allows to link mails to tasks for quite a while.
"tasks & mails" does just that!

The ability to generate customizable reports also comes in very handy. I can now easily select and archive all mails related to a specific task, once it is done.

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

If there's something I miss from Outlook its the single click to convert an email into a tasks ('Follow Up') and have it shown up in the built-in task manager. I thought this would bring it to Thunderbird, but I'm quite disappointed:

It's a great idea, but ruined by this horrible 'mails & tasks' pane that pops up and completely messes up the layout by squeezing 2 more columns where space is limited already.

I would have expected something that adds a new task into Lightnings task list and synchronizes the task status between task list and inbox somehow.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Excellent add-on and well worth the download; but needs tweaked. To the developer - I wish to express my appreciation, as we all do and hope that it gets more development!

I downloaded this add-on after watching a video on Youtube for local folders and tasks within Thunderbird. I can use his to manage my projects, lists and keep everything under one application.

I will compile a list of possible enhancements :) and submit them. Excellent add-on!!! and well worth the developers time.

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