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This is a very nice and useful add-on for Firefox.

Though with this add-on, isn't there a bit of a security issue in allowing the passwords to be seen in Firefox > Preferences > Security > Saved Logins... > Show Passwords ?

Anyone getting on to your computer can go to Firefox and see all the Keychain web passwords without having to enter the Mac's login password.

In Safari, you can only see the web passwords if you enter your Mac login password. And the same is true in Keychain itself. I think that is a safer system.

But a pretty good add-on in general.

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I sort of agree but, I'm only replacing the password saving mechanism – it's Firefox that chooses to show you the passwords it reads from the password database.

Safari's also not offering much protection, to be honest. If you've allowed a browser access to a particular password and your keychain is unlocked, someone with control of your computer could simply go to the website in question, allow the password to be filled, and then copy the value from the password field (possibly using JavaScript if necessary).

Basically, if you want to keep a password secure from someone with physical access to your computer, you shouldn't store it in an unlocked keychain.