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So, with a little help of Firebug and some sites which deal with xpath I found a litte solution to the image problem. You have to do a little "reverse engineering" to apply this.
First you need to unpack customizegoogle.jar. You can do this either bei localizing the file on your computer after you installed the extension (I would recommend this, though it is hidden somewhere in the profile subdirectories of Firefox) or by unpacking the customizegoogle.xpi and then looking customizgoogle.jar in the chrome-subdirectory.
After you have done this, you will get a folder named content, in there you go into the folder customizegoogle and open the file javascript.js. There you replace line 31 ( var googFonts = selectAllNodes(document, document.body, "//FONT[contains(@color,'#008000'); ) with var googFonts = selectAllNodes(document, document.body, "//DIV[@id='ImgContent']//FONT[contains(@size,-1)]"); . Then you save this, pack all folders back into cusomizegoogle.jar (pack this back into the xpi-file, if you used this approach) and it should (not guaranteed) work again. I will forward this message to the developer, maybe he will fix it in the next release, too.