Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This is a really great add-on which I'm happy to know works with Pale Moon. But that said, there are times when a website will simply not work with the add-on enabled. So the user has to remember which websites are like this and disable the add-on just when these websites are visited simply because if the add-on is disabled it stays disabled for all websites, which is why a White List is the obvious answer to this problem.

Example, street.com is not blocked but videos will not work unless the add-on is disabled. I have to remember this whenever I go to this website and then remember to enable the add-on when leaving the website. This is clearly not user friendly. I would add there are very few websites that are allowed by Bluhell Firewall but still will not work with the add-on enabled but there are a few which is why a White List is necessary. Let me add that the add-on actually does have to maintain a White List of sorts, that is websites that Bluhell blocks but the user sets to be "allowed" which then if revisited Bluehell Firewall will not block thereafter so obviously a "White List" is maintained by the add-on for these sites somewhere (probably cookie presumably). So if the add-on already maintains a White List of "allowed" websites that would otherwise be blocked then how is it that much more difficult to allow the user to be able to also set White List sites for sites that are not blocked but do not work with BluHell Firewall enabled? I would give it 5-stars with a White List.

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