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Имя RobotChicken
Местонахождение 69 Sara Bellum Ave., Townsville
Род деятельности Professor of Applied Music Theory; Performing Musician; Rambling Psychotic
Пользователь с Март 5, 2007
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laziness and i shall not.
instead, go about reading something else.
it serves the same purpose

Мои отзывы

DuckDuckGo (HTTPS / SSL)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The cliched preface, “Just One Word…”-- while I applaud the effort-- I am disappointed by the delivery. My first thought is “Better? ‘Better’ than what?”. https://duckduckgo.com is deserving of something much more telling than ‘better’. (forgive me, for I realize this reads as some kind of attack on whomever wrote that review. it's not. it's a cry for-- no pun intended-- something /better/. Let us propose a challenge: If you had to summarize the value of the “Duck Duck Go” search-engine experience, in one word, what would it be?

Here's my entry: Freedom.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (20120317). 

Proxy Tool

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

I recognize that other users report this is a quality tool for browse-by-proxy management. I realize the add-on developer is not obliged to provide documentation; a manual, or user's guide, and as well, I use many extensions-- without difficulty-- also without having a proper manual, which might seem likewise incomprehensible to other users, as a tool such as this is beyond my own capacity. I understand Proxy, and I'm aware of, and have successfully used (if memory serves) a Proxy Auto-Conf file, as may be accessed via HTTP URL [i.e. someURL.pac , as illustrated under Web > Autoproxy, amongst the Netscape and other archives, indexed from http://linuxmafia.com/kb/ ]. In composing this review-- rather a plea for better understanding, I admit-- I learned of yet another method, the wpad.dat which utilizes, ideally, DHCP, or DNS for the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery, or WPAD (e.g. as briefed at: http://www.findproxyforurl.com ). With PAC and WPAD showing in as many articles on proxy confs as I've surveyed, momentarily, for writing a better text here, I find it peculiar-- for my understanding of the tech-- neither "pac", nor "wpad" is in the text of the "Proxy Tool" add-on description (i.e. < Ctrl+F > "pac" /or "wpad" returned no matches, only after first reading the "Proxy Tool" add-on text for elements related to my research, as described).

"...It confounds me!...", [The Hulk, /Robot Chicken/, "The Real World, Gotham City"]

I suspect many users might appreciate the URL's i've gathered this session, regarding aforementioned PAC, and WPAD. I've yet to feel confident in using anything but the "PHZilla" aka PHProxy [former?], add-on for FF / SM, as I've used it with success-- as far as I'm aware, regardless of the apparently vast resources,-- to me, it's like tryig to fit a square peg into a round hole... I'm missing some major piece of the puzzle, apparently. In closing, before I place the list of off-site resources for WPAD / PAC, I realize my commentary here might lend little insight into the add-on "Proxy Tool". I apologize to the reader who feels as he or she has wasted time in reading this text.

Aight, yo! Dig this, sukka!...
PAC @ HokeyMedia _ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config#The_PAC_file
WPAD @ Hokeypedia _ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Proxy_Autodiscovery_Protocol
PAC & WPAD @ Comprehensive list _ http://www.findproxyforurl.com/pac_wpad_resources.html
WPAD vs. security, DNS, Dan Kaminsky, etc. _ http://www.mercenary.net/blog/index.php?/archives/42-HOWTO-WPAD.html
Google "PAC" tester _ http://code.google.com/p/pactester/
WPAD: How-to, MS Windows _ http://www.itbully.com/articles/auto-configuring-proxy-settings
Proxytester _ http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/proxytest/index.php?title=Main_Page

only SOCKS i gots wit ma' Chuck Taylor's, yo!...
... i hope to revisit when i can better appreciate the work here. thanks

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.16.1-signed.1-signed). 

CannaFox Marijuana Add-On

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.4). 


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

i believe in one primary prerequisite; that a certain quality of practical simplicity exist for one such tool to be worthy of "praise". JSView is just that sort of utility. Simple, effective, genuine, and solid in functionality.

that it is practical, and not an exercise in XUL, an attempt to direct traffic to one's domain, or etc., has kept JSView amonst my most desired addons, upon my dealing with any unmodified gecko browser installation.

JSView is amongst the best of the best web design / development aides available here at A.M.O. -- my only distress with it is, unlike "View Source With", JSView-- to my knowledge / skill in configuring it, is unable to load from a development server, for example, an index.php file such that it is not merely the HTML rendered in the browser, the the "real php file", complete for example, with include()'s, etc., instead of the HTML / whatever which is shown in the browser. (however, this may be an issue of the past, i don't recall for certain). Regardless, it's still useful, and a fine companion to VSW. I always stick the button in the Chris Pederick Web Dev'r toolbar-- goes nice righ next to the "css" button. hehe... or near the CSS / JS error markers. :-)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.0.5).