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Focus Regainer

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I have had the Flash-cursor-hijacking-problem for years so I had great expectations for this add-on. Unfortunately it does not work at all with Ustream flash videos--the main reason I sought out an add-on like this. I tried every key combination and none work. BTW it would be nice if the user could choose a new keyboard shortcut--this add-on does not show up in Keyconfig. OK, it does work with Youtube flash but I always download Youtube videos since flash players, in general, really really suck. The only reason I don't download Ustream content is because it is live and I can't. Very disappointed…

FF 29.0.1 on OS X 10.8.5

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.2.1-signed). 

MP4 YouTube Downloader

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It seems like Youtube has broken this and other downloaders. I get a lot of 0 byte downloads lately.
Wow, just what I have been looking for. No other Youtube downloader can allow you to download from embedded videos on other sites without going to Youtube first. This one can! It even has a setting to find HD videos if available. Kudos!

Download YouTube Videos as MP4

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

This is identical to the Greasemonkey script of the same name. Needs update.

This only gives me a choice of up to 720p, even when there is 2160p available, which BTW 'YouTube Download Button' handles no problem. The only thing I like about this script is, it names the file from the page title, which YDB does not. Another thing that is annoying is, when I click the drop-down button, the keyboard does not work to select the link I want. Other downloaders allow keyboard interaction.

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Download YouTube Videos as MP4

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

This is identical to the Greasemonkey script of the same name. Needs update.

This only gives me a choice of up to 720p, even when there is 2160p available, which BTW 'YouTube Download Button' handles no problem. The only thing I like about this script is, it names the file from the page title, which YDB does not. Another thing that is annoying is, when I click the drop-down button, the keyboard does not work to select the link I want. Other downloaders allow keyboard interaction.

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Download YouTube Videos as MP4

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

This is identical to the Greasemonkey script of the same name. Needs update.

This only gives me a choice of up to 720p, even when there is 2160p available, which BTW 'YouTube Download Button' handles no problem. The only thing I like about this script is, it names the file from the page title, which YDB does not. Another thing that is annoying is, when I click the drop-down button, the keyboard does not work to select the link I want. Other downloaders allow keyboard interaction.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Updated review:

Since writing this review, I have discovered that removing all the sites in the 'Manage Setting' dialog fixed all problems. Now it works as before. The Site Wizard is still just as hard to use as ever but fortunately the add-on usually discovers rules on its own.

One more note. I copied my default profile to a new profile and that again broke this add-on. I could not remove the sites from the manager so I uninstalled/reinstalled the add-on. I had difficulty uninstalling it though. When I reinstalled it, the sites were still there and I could not remove them. So I deleted autopager@mozilla.org.xpi from the extensions directory and the autopager directory from the profile directory and reinstalled and now everything is fine. There really should be a way to uninstall everything directly from the add-on.

Previous review (2 stars):

Nice WHEN it works automatically, about maybe 5-10% of sites, BUT if you have to use the Site Wizard to discover rules, forget it. You have to be the author to understand how to use it. I just spent over an hour on a site that had a Next button. There were about 10 different choices in the wizard and I had to try each one before I guessed the right one. After finally getting it to work, I clicked another link on the site and it no longer worked. After using the wizard and failing, now it doesn't work on the original page. So the wizard is all but impossible to use and it only works on one particular page, not the entire site. Ridiculous. When I switched to Lite mode, it opened 10 new identical tabs that had useless information about Lite mode. I don't have the time to fuss with such a complicated add-on. Please simplify the 'discovery' process.


Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Although this add-on does work well in finding embedded content, its interface is unbearable. There is no such thing as keyboard shortcuts. As if that is not bad enough, you have to make 5 mouse clicks to download ONE of the media files. You have to 1. click the non-intuitive little fish icon way down at the bottom right in the status bar--there is no option to put the icon in the toolbar. Then you 2. click a pulldown menu for the file in order to select a download manager such as DTA. Next, and this is completely counter-intuitive, you 3. click the DownThemAll menu item and you get the standard 'Save As' dialog instead of the expected DTA one. Now 4. click the 'Save' button (or hit 'Enter') to finally download the file with DTA. Get it??? I don't… Now you're stuck with the 'UnPlug' dialog and no keyboard shortcut to close it. Even tabbing doesn't work so you have to 5. click the 'Close' button. If there is more than one file you want to download, you have to go through all 3 clicks again for EACH file--there is no multiple select option.

What I would expect:

1. A keyboard shortcut to open and close the initial dialog
2. An option to put the fish icon (please change that) in the toolbar
3. A checkbox next to each file to allow selection of multiple files
4. Keyboard navigation and shortcuts to do everything
5. Opening the dialog of the download manager as expected
6. An option to set the default downloader

You should be able to download multiple files with a few keyboard shortcuts.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.056.1-signed). 

Session Manager

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I've had it with this add-on. I had a huge number of open windows and tabs and had to kill FF when it wouldn't quit normally. I restarted FF and the session was never saved. Now I have to go and reconstruct literally months worth of browsing manually. I never had that problem with TabMix Plus session manager. I will go back to TabMix Plus session manager. This one is totally unreliable.

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Print pages to Pdf

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I haven't used this add-on since my PC died and I switched to OS X. Unfortunately there is no version for FF OS X (hint-hint) but, fortunately, I can still use this add-on in FF for Windows running under WINE. I see that the feature that was missing in previous versions, the ability to convert all tabs, has been thankfully added to this version. Thank you for such a great add-on!

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Thumbnail Zoom Plus

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Wow this is exactly what I was looking for. I had been using the Googlenlarge greasemonkey script but it hasn't been updated in years and so is broken. This add-on shows large full-size images almost instantly. I'm looking at 4Mpixel+ images. It allows you to go to another thumbnail without first having to move the cursor to a white space like you had to do with Googlenlarge. I love the 'Save Enlarged Image As…' context menu item that saves the original full image. I think the menu item name is somewhat misleading. It implies that it saves an upsampled image instead of the actual original image. I think 'Save Full Size Image As…' would be more intuitive. Wonderful add-on.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.6.1-signed). 

Print pages to Pdf

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Hugely disappointed this is not available for OS X. Why not? I used this on Windows and it is the most fantastic add-on I have ever used. It can create PDF user manuals from sites that have lots of links to online documentation and no downloadable PDF. Please update this for OS X.

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Key config

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

This is a HUGE disappointment. I tried it as a replacement for the original keyconfig, thinking that this was the same add-on with a space added to the name. How wrong I was. First of all, it has only a tiny fraction of the many events that keyconfig has. Second, it disabled all the key bindings of keyconfig. What!? Try to find the original. It is much better.

Single Key Tab Switch

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

Two things that need to be improved. 1. Single key is too dangerous. There should be an option for key combinations. 2. Using about:config to select keys is lame. Needs a simple dialog to do this.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I uninstalled 3.1.4 and installed 3.1.5 but it didn't work in FF 3.6.3 and it hung up the Add-Ons dialog when I tried to configure it (Options).


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I am delighted to find that this still works perfectly with FF 3.6.3 provided you have Nightly Tester Tools installed and you set it to override compatibility for this add-on. I have not found anything that comes even close to this for FF 3+.

Craigslist Image Preview Ext

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I agree. Charging for this without stating upfront that this is a TRIAL is probably against Mozilla policy or should be. Go to geasemonkey user scripts and look at all the nice craigslist scripts for free.


Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This is great. I wish I had found about it long ago. But one thing seriously lacking is any keyboard shortcuts. I have to right-click the link and choose from a huge scrollable menu the 'repagination' folder and then choose the option I want. This is tedious and time-consuming. Please add a keyboard shortcut to the next version!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2006.4.5).