Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

EDIT: Thanks; this problem is solved in the current version release. I have changed my rating in response.

I loved this addon, but now it does not display the total number of tabs (not just the ones in the current group), it is useless to me. I open a new group when the number of tabs on the screen becomes difficult to manage (as is the point of Firefox Panorama), so I know know how many tabs are right in from of me; it is the total number I need to worry about!!!

I only really need the total number of tabs in all groups combined, as this addon used to do. However, I understand that other people will desire the need for displaying the total number of tabs in the current group. I would prefer if the user was given the option to display both, one or the other (i.e. if there are 24 tabs and 8 in the current group, the option to display '24', '8' or '8/24', like natty_7 suggested.

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