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Hello friend again. Now I have added the logo in * .jpg in the caption. Whether the filename must be the same as the tag. I have a unique tag, but the filename is different from the tag. Email format txt - not html; Ubuntu 20.04.3; TB78. The logo file is not displayed. However, under the signature there is a frame for the logo. I only added one art to my Signature Swith. Am I doing something wrong or is it some kind of mistake.
Thank you again for adding the option of adding a signature over the quoted text, because practice has shown that it greatly facilitates the use of e-mail. The assumptions made when creating the mail format were not the best. Often times, correspondence involves multiple, two-way responses, extending the length of the mail. This preserves the history of conversations, which is required especially in large entities. The newest part at the top makes it easy to read and reply to e-mail.
I am just asking you to improve this function as I wrote in the previous post.
I greet you from cold Poland

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