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I have used this for quite some time. Just updated to Quick Folder 2.9 and I think I have a problem. The bookmarks that I set up do not stay after a restart. Each time I have to drag them up to the Quick folders bar to re-establish them. They work OK once there, but disappear after the next shutdown/restart of Thunderbird.

I am using Thunderbird 3.1.15 in Linux Mint. Are there any other Add-ons that break your add-on?

Let me know if you need any other info.


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.9). 

... please go here:
And yes, it is already fixed - only affects TB3 and older:
Remember, the current version of Thunderbird is 7. Simply install QuickFolders 2.9.1 :)