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Experts Exchange is a good site, not sure why anyone wouldn't just scroll to the bottom. I don't run anything extra no browser agent switching and even in IE I just scroll to the bottom and view the answer. Good concept on the plugin IMO bad target,

For those misunderstanding, the answer is at the bottom...just scroll.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


As an one who works in the IT industry, and is constantly searching for solutions, ans advice,
I am so Happy about this!

EE is a horrible company, that is scamming tons of people to see what is out there free.
to be EE free is wonderful!
I love this Plug-in!

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

It indexes because they hide the solutions/answers in the page so it can be indexed.

I have adblock, and if I scroll right down to the bottom, past the "footer links", there are all your answers.

Though, I this plugin would be nice, if we could have our own blacklist of sites, so I can remove ebay, pricerunner, and various other sites from results.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I just registered here to say thank you for that add-on

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad others are finding it as useful as I do.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Love the plugin, however this is a work-around, not a solution.
I say report them!
Let's hope enough reports get them banned, or at least have them change things...

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for an amazing plugin, I was planing to make somithing like that myself to get rid of annoying EE.

Thanks you, glad you I could help.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Looks like customizegoogles filter.
CG might be better for most occasions.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The answers are actually visible in both the normal search results, and the cached results.

The difference is this: On the results page from a normal google search, the answers are hidden either with javascript, css, or some kind of trick where they show different content based on the user agent or IP. If you look at the SOURCE of the page, from a normal google search, you can see the answers at the bottom -- below all the content -- just like on the "Cached" page.... but the cached page makes the answers visible on a rendered browser page (so you don't have to look at the source to see the answers).

I still loathe experts-exchange, and would rather just eliminate them from my search results. It bugs me that they get to leach off of google by making the content visible to Google, so they index all their content for free, and rank it high, because it IS relevant.... but through trickery, they HIDE the actual content from normal people.

I say just hide their results and ignore them. Learn how to find answers for yourself, from sources that aren't so shadey. Sure it's nice to have everythign spelled out neat and tidy for you, but it might pay off more in the long run if you learn how to figure these things out on your own... through valid, open resources and documentation.

But it is neat to know the answers are IN THE SOURCE of a normal page.

If someone were really resourceful, they could make a simple GreaseMonkey plugin/script/hack that would expose the HIDDEN ANSWERS IN THE SOURCE, and make the page render with the answers showing... this way would work off a normal google search (not cached links).

Thanks for the feedback. I also noticed that I can see the results at the bottom of their pages, but like you, their trickery is what I don't like. Thanks for the review.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The answers are actually visible in both the normal search results, and the cached results.

The difference is this: On the results page from a normal google search, the answers are hidden either with javascript, css, or some kind of trick where they show different content based on the user agent or IP.

If you look at the SOURCE of the page, from a normal google search, you can see the answers at the bottom -- below all the content -- just like on the "Cached" page.... but the cached page makes the answers visible on a rendered browser page (so you don't have to look at the source to see the answers).

I still loathe experts-exchange, and would rather just eliminate them from my search results. It bugs me that they get to leach off of google by making the content visible to Google, so they index all their content for free, and rank it high, because it IS relevant.... but through trickery, they HIDE the actual content from normal people.

Just hide their results and ignore them. Learn how to find answers for yourself, from sources that aren't so shadey.

But it is neat to know the answers are IN THE SOURCE of a normal page.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Good idea. One time I made a custom search engine, using that cool Google feature -- just to eliminate experts-exchange results from showing up. I hate that company.

It's interesting that you can actually see their results in Google Cache -- but I still think they're despicable.

Thanks! I'll enjoy using this.

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I don't understand why you would need this. Experts-exchange.com gives the answers to all the questions. You just have to scroll down and you will find the "hidden" answers.

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд


you can see the answers by using the link "Cached" on the google results page.

Then you have to scroll down on the experts exchange page to see the answers without having an account on their site.
I was able to see them up to today (12.03.2009)

I think they need it to get a better google rank but they try to hide it from not paying users.