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Hi, thank you for this useful extension!

But I encountered an issue. There are several/a lot of (?) providers, which use the inbox folder also at “intermediate folder” at the same time.

Example (german “Posteingang” is the inbox folder): http://www.abload.de/img/zwischenablage-1r20h.png

If I use your extension, the inbox folder will be hidden. Could you fix this, that in this case (inbox folder = intermediate folder) the inbox folder is still visible?

BTW 1: German locale would be nice ;-) .
- Flattened Folder = Flache Ordneransicht
- Breakout Subfolders = Unterordner herauslösen

BTW 2: What are the options of your extension for?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0). 

Check the new version (1.1). Hope you are happy now. Let us know how it works.