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LAST time I tried this, (and I see no signs of an update since) it asked whether each and every message sent should be encrypted via PGP.

A BUTTON would make much more sense.

I also want to add my voice calling for 64-bit upgrades to BOTH Firefox and Thunderbird, and, the promised improvements to Penelope, the continuation of the wonderful Eudora alternative mail system. (another story).

MOST new *computers* (vs."don't care 'bout privacy, I do it all on-line" appliances) are coming out with multicore 64-bit systems.

The "do it all ON-Line crowd members (who also wonder where all the spam comes from) either need a quick education or simply don't care about privacy - and setting up T'bird or even downloading mail via POP3 is beyond them already.

Some need an education, some wouldn't mind a Telescreen watching their every move at home except in the bedroom under the theory "I've got nothing to hide and I love that 'personalized' experience I get from companies that keep records on me*."

"Anyway I've got nothing to hide, only criminals do" is a frequent response - no hope there.

But for the developing hard-core folks who say NO! to the infothieves (and should demand the Googles of the world offer a "pay $ .0001 per search alternative to "add this to the file on 'im" treatment, and the offer be made before any data is stolen. Call your Congressfolk and Senators and ask for a needed law!)

Meanwhile, 64-bits, multithreaded x86 code and a bit more user control on this one would be a big help.

*Some "social interaction" pages seem designed to elicit 'suckers' for causes allegedly using cash for a,b,c,... and I really feel sorry for these folks.
And even for some who want to stop - Education can be tough. An 80+ widower friend of the family is on every "sucker list" in the country and, of course, donates money to any charity that takes the time to send HIM a personalized letter asking Dear (first name) and ending with an ink-jetted "signature." Though he owns a computer for e-mail and surfing, he has no understanding that, outside of the ink-jet, EVERY initial IBM PC or its CP/M ancestors had the power to do the same thing under Dos 3 and WordStar! (I do see a need for a law in the near future prohibiting the delivery of such requests if the person or his nearest family go before a judge and say and prove such letters have the impact of draining the elderly/others no t capable of controlling *all* their finances, from their well-deserved retirement funds.
(I won't go into details - it is not a Freedom of Speech issue but an I-S/He cannot control, and therefore demand an auto-opt-out)

A for effort
Fortunately for them, at least Firefox is semi-hardened already, straight out of the electron box, and easily/automatically strengthened by updates, handled by a family member who has basic understanding

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.96.0).