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Пользователь с Март 16, 2008
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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I have no idea how to contact you, so I will talk here.

Is there a possibility that you work with the Onemanga Subscriber developers?

Because they want to expand their extension to mangafox, and it would be perfect if the two extensions joins forces in a new one, more complete and useful.

OneManga Subscriber

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I like the idea, but you need to work a little more on it, like wrap your 'loose' variables and functions within a JavaScript object, disable the "omupdate" menupop item when it is empy, add a preferences window (to set the update time), standardize the extensions files (moving the style folder to chrome, creating the locale folder and language files, and encapsulating this 3 folders in a .zip, and then rename it to .jar), and make a extension logo

Well, to finish, this is a very usefull extension that allow a lot of people what read manga to realize that new chapters were uploaded.

OneManga Subscriber

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I press the submit button by accident.

Well, to finish, this is a very usefull extension that allow a lot of people what read manga to realize that new chapters where uploaded.