Scheduling Events and Tasks

от AltanaESP Pty Ltd

7 дополнений в этой подборке

ThunderBirthDay от

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186 пользователей

Показывает дни рождения людей из адресных книг Thunderbird в виде событий в календаре Ligtning
Примечание подборщика ThunderBirthDay is an add-on that creates one or more birthday calendar and use the "Birthday" field of address books to populate the calendar. It is handy in the sense that you can select the address book that is used for populating the birthday calendar. In this sense you can create different kinds of birthday calendars, when using different address books as source for different birthday calendars. For example: A birthday calendar for friends and a birthday calender for clients.

Year view от fabrix

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46 пользователей

Year view for calendar.
Примечание подборщика Standard Lightning Calendar features do not allow for a year planner display. It is often necessary, especially in the beginning of the year, to schedule important activities for the coming year. The Year view add-on, add this feature to the Lightning Thunderbird Calendar. However, exercise caution in using the year view feature, because when you have a number of calendars, it is easy to schedule yearly events for the wrong calendar.

Free/Busy от John Leveille

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Publish free/busy calendar file (*.ifb) via ftp or to a file. View other people's free/busy info in meeting organizer window. Integrate Thunderbird and Outlook calendars without Exchange server.
Примечание подборщика When sharing calender information with others, the Free/Busy add-on provide you with the option to display events on your calender only as free/busy slots, instead of the appointment details. This feature only comes into effect when you share calendar information with others. Primary (source) calendars still display appointment or event details.

More Snooze от Cyrille Nocus, peci1

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706 пользователей

This add allow to customize the snooze delay when snooze popup appears (lightning required).
Примечание подборщика The standard Thunderbird reminder of scheduling event and tasks, allows for limited 'Snooze for...' options, with the option to customize snooze settings. It frequently happens, as a result of scheduled changes and daily crises, that one would like to have more control over "how long" to reschedule (i.e. snooze the event or task). Especially scheduled tasks. The 'MoreSnooze' extension, allows to extent present default snooze options (i.e. rescheduling reminder options). Not not a major productivity booster... just addressing some of the little jackals of life.

Purge Events Plus от Mark

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд 9 отзывов

60 пользователей

Purge events from Sunbird and Lightning files and thereby cleanes the calendar

Timeline от Teester

Загрузить сейчас


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4 пользователя

A Timeline calendar view
Примечание подборщика The 'Timeline' extension isn't really an essential addition for Thunderbird. No earth shattering functionality is added to Thunderbird. HOWEVER, it helps towards productivity by providing a "timeline-ticker" at the bottom of the screen display. The "ticker scroll" calendar appointments and events as scheduled in lightning. When managing emails, tasks and telephone calls, this timeline display provide a birds eye view of "how well" the day is going and whether one is able keep up with the present scheduled pace. The 'Timeline' extension is something that one just glance at and "don't really make use of" ...till the day that it is no longer there.

Chromatasks от Philipp Kewisch

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд 26 отзывов

4 пользователя

Color task rows with calendar color
Примечание подборщика Being able to colour-code task according to the calendar they belong too, is quite handy when you deal with different task scheduled for and spread over a number of different calendars. The Chromotasks add-on allows for a task display in the colour of its assigned calender.

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