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It could be so good, but unfortunately the table for text replacements is often not saved, but more importantly, *it causes TB to be sluggish as hell*! 3 second delays when entering a recipient... Please fix! Or publish the source code, so I can fix it myself.

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Does not work in TB 115

Cannot save table, autocorrect/auto-up inserts spurious spaces into words.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.4.1). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Please, upgrade it for ThunderBird beta 100.
Thank you for your plugin.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1.2). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

V1.0.7 solved the bug @Feri and I had with Thunderbird 91.
That was fast !!!

Amazing add-on btw. There is still room for improvements (MD/html styling) but there are in the roadmap already.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.6). 

you need to switch off "Fission" by toggling browser.tabs.remote.autostart and restarting.

can you give more info on github? Even though, on my TB, ctrl-D is a shortcut for lightning, in the compose window, ctrl-D inserts the text.
If in any version of TB ctrl-D in the compose window should create tasks in lightning, then that feels like a bug of TB.
No keypress inside compose should do calendar tasks, in my opinion.

I will see how to adjust the letter in use. Have a look at github, it will appear there first.

see also https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1739982

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Does not work, I press ctrl-d and does not happen anything... (TB 91 64bit, Win 10).
I have installed Nostalgy++, but it does not use ctrl+d.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.6). 

do you have other addons installed working on the compose window? They might claim ctrl-d or might stop processing keys after they have checked for the one that they observe.

Here, this works on both TB78 and 91.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Simple yet effective tool. Exactly what I need.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.6). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Very simple. It does just what it says and that`s all I need!

Just remember to push Save Table (that could be in a better position) after the changes.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.6).