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ЗакрытьОтзыв на RefControl от Dave Rove
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
This addon is a nice enhancement to personal privacy, since there's just no need for websites to know where you're coming from. Setting first-party blocking breaks a lot of sites, but there's no need for that because it doesn't enhance privacy, so setting third-party blocking is the way to go. Third party blocking is fine except that a whole mass of paywall newspaper sites watch for the referrer from Google News to enable access to articles referred to from there, so it'd be nice if Google News could be whitelisted, except for the unfortunate fact that it's the referring site, not the site being jumped to. Please add the option to whitelist the referring site and this addon would be perfect.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (Для создания своих подборок вам необходимо иметь учётную запись на сайте дополнений Mozilla.