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I really miss this great add-on but it does not work with TB78. Could it be updated? That would be fantastic!

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Either I don't know how to use it, or it don't work or me?
I entered BCC then a group name,
then Not to then a address in the group.
The not to address was still sent using Thunderbird 31.4

It is broken since the update to 31.4...
I will correct it as soon as I get 5 minutes free time!
(within one week maximum)

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The only downside is that after a recent update to TB24, it started to say there wasn't any recipient specified. Guess the TB update broke it. I give 5start because this works very well on previous TB versions. Thank you.

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The correction is ready. I will push it soon and it will be available then for download.
Edit: new release (1.6) is waiting for review

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Hi, this is a nice extension, but unfortunately it doesn't work anymore in current aurora version Thunderbird 23.0a2. When trying to send a message, you get an error message saying no recipients are specified. With this add-on disabled sending of messages works again...

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Hi,This add-on rewrites a part of internal TB code. Surely that this part has changed with TB 23. I will check if I can correct that as soon as I have free time!edit: I got time to investigate and corrected the problem.But it seems that latest earlybird (23.0a2 (2013-05-14)) does not manage correctly address list (I got an error when trying to use it). When it will work I will be able to complete my tests and issue a new release of the addon.edit: it is bug 872041 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=872041). As soon as it is corrected a new release of the addon will be delivered!
Edit: bug has been corrected; version 1.6 is now working well with Earlybird 23, but I cannot upload it because 23 is not a valid Thunderbird release...

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This add-on's crap don't stink. Works as advertised. Thank you very much!

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I have modified add-on to improve it.
Lists are now well managed.
See release 1.2

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Perfect with 3.1.9 :-) The last addon why i stayed with TB2 .. now TB3 is complete again! Thanks!

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Just like the original add-on, it works only on individual addresses, not on lists. If an email is to be sent to all members of a list, excluding all members of a sub-list, it would be nice to be able to specify NOTTO: SUBLIST

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