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ЗакрытьОтзыв на Thunderbird Conversations от yee379
Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд
i agree with some of the other reviewer's; great extension and should be part of the default thunderbird suite. seems to work better than postbox as well :)
a bug i think i found (might be because of thunderbird actually):
- when i have the threaded view enabled, and click on the highest level (first) email to get the conversation view, i cannot reply/reply all etc to the email.
- how about having a reply button on each individual message so that i could select that message to quote on the reply? and/or, use the mouse location and double click and or ctrl-r to reply to that message.
other suggestions:
- i notice that there is colour differentiation between senders on the thread - would be nice it if were more obvious. eg make the message background be that color rather than just the text on white background
- i would find it useful if the date for each message could also have the full timestamp, with the hours and minutes. having some kinda relative time would handy too (4 hours ago etc)
- i get a lot of people who send me replies with my email quoted with
-----Original Message-----
From: blah
Sent: blah
Friday, February 05, 2010 2:37 PM
To: blah
any chance of getting that with the 'show quoted text' hidden treatment?
keep up the great work!
The following suggestions of yours have already been implemented in the development version (which is due to arrive soon on AMO as alpha2) :
- reply / reply to all / forward button on each message (will be in tomorrow's release),
- more methods for hiding quoted parts. I'll check if I implemented the --- Original Message --- thing, but I'll add it if it isn't already the case. Please contact me by email, I'd like to get an example of such a message to test with.
As to the other suggestions, none of them is really hard to implement, so as soon as I have some spare time, I'll probably add most of them.
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