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ЗакрытьОтзыв на Forecastbar Enhanced от liliedag
Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд
Worked fine with ff3b2 and b3 but now broke w/b4. Radar image will flash for split second as will forecast icons flash momentarily but then go away. Info does load in bottom bar but unable to expand. Works fine with ff2 and ff3 - all betas before 4.
Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения ( is a Firefox bug (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409427) and there\'s nothing we can do about it for now. The way to get around it is either to move Forecastfox Enhanced to somewhere other than the statusbar, to run Firefox not maximized or to make sure that you have a taskbar at the bottom of the screen so that the bottom of Firefox is not at the bottom edge of your screen.
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