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Пользователь Firefox 8d4f6f

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Имя Пользователь Firefox 8d4f6f
Пользователь с Дек. 6, 2016
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Мои отзывы

Google Tasks Sync

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Sorry, Newbie error. When you add a Google calendar to the built-in Sunbird, you can select the Google Tasks and it will populate in the task tab.

If you you missed it on the first setup, like I did. You can just add a new Google calendar and select the task list checkbox. The Google tasks will show up in your Tasks tab.


I'm moving back to Thunderbird from emClient. I use Google Tasks, so this add-on seemed like a good option. However, the add-on does not sync. The status indicator shows red with an exclamation point, but an error message is not shown. A mouse-over pop-up says that "Details were logged to Thunderbird's error console."

That may be fine for a developer, but how does one access the error console?

Removing the add-on and adding it back into Thunderbird v45.5.1 did not help.

I guess I'll have to use use the actual Google Calendar page to manage tasks. Man, life is so hard. Next, I might have to sharpen a pencil and keep a notepad in my pocket.