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Alexis Kauffmann

Обо мне

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Имя Alexis Kauffmann
Пользователь с Июль 10, 2009
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
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Мои отзывы

Auto Compress File

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Works as expected, does what it promises, very easy to use. I suggest, though, that the developer add a warning regarding the "dangerous" options that could generate the "Criteria do not match" error reported by freeGHost, since it affected me too and, possibly, many other users.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.3). 

Yoono: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn YouTube GTalk AIM

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Sorry, I've just found the "font size" option I was missing. It is a great addon. I just suggest to put the font size option in a visible button, because I almost could not find it: I could barely read the default font size text.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.3.7).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Yoono: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn YouTube GTalk AIM

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I can hardly believe people who developed this addon did not think about accessiblity. I simply can't read the updates in this sidebar. Why doesn't it have the most basic of all accessibility options, ie, font size choice? Although Yoono works great, it is practically uselless for me and all other people who have similar visual disabilities.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.3.7). 

Spam Complaint

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Vianinha and Alpha Centauri wrote everything I would like to have written about the program itself, so I am left to just praise the addon creator, Jim Calfee, for his readiness and patience helping me understand and solve a few problems I initially had with my mail provider. It is a great addon that does the job.


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Lento: demora demais para decidir se uma mensagem é spam.

Consome recursos em excesso: o Thunderbirdc como um todo fica lento, o clamdrib começa a dar time-outs

Desaparece com suas mensagens: quando você marca uma mensagem como boa ("ham") ela simplesmente desaparece. É, a mensagem some do sistema, você não consegue achá-la em lugar nenhum, nem mesmo na lixeira.

A pasta "spamato" é um saco: Mesmo quando você desabilita a função de mover as mensagens para a pasta SPAMATO, ao marcar manualmente uma mensagem como spam, ela é movida para essa pasta.

Minha sugestão: parem de tentar reinventar a roda. Vão a www.spamihilator.com e aprendam como se faz um filtro antispam leve e que elimina mais de 98% do spam.


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I click on a spam message and then forward it to Spamsoap. Less than a minute later, I get this weird spam message from spam soap written in archaic javenese:

Spam Reporting Error

Spam Soap received your reported message but it appears to have not routed through our servers. Instead, the reported message looks to have routed directly to your mail server. If you manage your own mail server and the server is not used for any domains other than those filtered by Spam Soap you can easily lockdown your network to prevent this problem. Before doing so, however, please ensure that your MX records are correctly pointed to us.

If you use a shared mail server, typically provided by your ISP, you should not make these adjustments to your firewall. If you host your own mail server you can adjust your firewall or SMTP security to only allow inbound connections from Spam Soap. Blocking all other inbound SMTP traffic will help to prevent spam from being sent directly to your server and also prevent a directory harvest attack which spammers use to generate lists of valid email addresses on your server.


You can adjust your firewall to allow the range of IP addresses listed below. We will notify the Technical Contact on record via email in advance of any change to these IP address ranges.

Mail delivery: (CIDR format for 1st IP range) (Subnet format) (IP range format) (CIDR format for 2nd IP range) (Subnet format) (IP range format)

Used by technical support for troubleshooting: (CIDR format) (Subnet format) (IP range format)

NOTE: Be sure to continue to allow all outbound SMTP traffic to all IP addresses. Also if your email clients need SMTP access from outside your firewall, do not follow these instructions to block SMTP.


Allow only messages that have "mxlogic.net" in the message header; delete all other incoming messages.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact our support team at support@spamsoap.com.


Support Team
866.772.6688, opt. 2
fax 949.203.6425

The problem is: all I want is to report spam noto to earn postgrad diploma in firewall management.


Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

It is not "the perfect antispam solution" they promise it to be. If you are a Windows user, I suggest you install Michael Kraemer's Spamihilator, spend some time learning how to configure it and then... Just forget it. it will filter out 98-99% of the unwanted mails that reach your inbox.

But as a Linux user I've been struggling with dozens of less than optimal solutions. Bohuno is the best I tried to this date. This plugin is not resource consuming and is very easy to configure and use. It learns filters much more spam than Thunderbird built in antispam engine, although it lets slip lots of "canadian pharmacy" and "quality replicas" among other well known scam mails.

I am still looking for something better but, for now, it is better than other solutions I have tested.


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

I installed this and uninstalled a few minutes later just after reading the author's blog (http://pieces.openpolitics.com/2008/04/the-state-of-thunderbayes/):

"Unfortunately I do not have the time nor the will to fix it at this point... I do hope some people can still get some use out of the add-on, but at this point I am declaring it unsupported by me. "

As such, it should be deleted from this repository.