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114 пользователей
Agar aktifitas mendapat berkah dari Allah, aamiin..2 пользователя -
Tigers are considered an Umbrella species, and as such, trigger a top down chain of species die outs and habitat failure with their extinction. Once an Apex predator dies off, former prey populations that were once controlled b...12 пользователей -
18 пользователей
25 пользователей
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82 пользователя
Tigers are considered an Umbrella species, and as such, trigger a top down chain of species die outs and habitat failure with their extinction. Once an Apex predator dies off, former prey populations that were once controlled b...12 пользователей -
0 пользователей
Agar aktifitas mendapat berkah dari Allah, aamiin..2 пользователя -
25 пользователей
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