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Westlaw Citation Search 20100116
автор AttorneyTech
This search-engine add-on can be used to perform the Find Citation function in Westlaw to retrieve cases, statutes, law review & journal articles, etc. Must be signed in to a valid Westlaw account with appropriate subscription access.
Об этом дополнении
To use this add-on, first sign-in to your Westlaw account.
Then, simply enter the citation you wish to retrieve (in any format recognized by Westlaw). Examples:
17 USC 101
488 F2d 754
95 Va. L. Rev. 2129
va stat s 8.01-328.1
Related Search Add-ons:
LexisNexis Citation Search: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9541/
lexisONE Citation Search: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59612/
Legal Notice: Westlaw® and the related logos are trademarks of Thomson Reuters®. The name and logos are used merely to identify the service with which this add-on works. This add-on is NOT sponsored, endorsed, authorized, provided by, or associated with Westlaw® or Thomson Reuters®.