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Hi https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/user/anonymous-8245fd45e91edb11349c91cca54121d1/
Hi Bzzz, hope you catch this (tried a new submit review to reply and it went to page not found !)

I'm on an older 45.8.0 version of TB. Can't update yet as need a newer mac OSX update, but putting off doing that as it'll cause problems for a filemaker database I use frequently.

Thanks, Alan

Didn't work for me, but congrats that you succeeded.

The plugin developer surely must be hiding out in a cave somewhere !

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (64.3). 

May I ask which version you tried? The 64.3 here in Thunderbird repo is still waiting for approval from Mozilla - it's been 11 days...