Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

An option to remember settings would be great. It's a pain to have to click on the 12 tabs I want to protect each time I start TB. Also, an option to "Protect ALL Tabs" would be nice.

I am annoyed by the "hold down tab" feature turning off tab protection. I have it set to protect tab, but if I click on the tab a second time it no longer protects it.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Nice little add-on that does what it says.

But...locks are not persistent in between Thunderbird sessions so you have to remind to lock your tabs again after restarting Thunderbird.
Is it possible to have TB Tabloc remind the locks (maybe as an option) ? That would make it 5 stars for me :-)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Does for me what I wanted. And now there is a symbol on the tab to show that it's protected.

A suggestion for the next version is to add a feature that locks the folder the tab points to. For instance I have a tab for the sent folder and one for the inbox. I would like to be able to lock these folders while using a 3rd tab to select the other folders in my folders list as I work on them.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Well, it technically works. Protected tabs cannot be closed.

HOWEVER, they also give no indication that they are protected--there's no protected tab symbol and the close tab button remains on the tab.

This is just a nuisance, but it is a pretty major one, as nuisances go.

Also, support for middle-click protecting (overriding the default function of closing the tab) would be helpful. Accidental double clicks are easier than accidental middle clicks, resulting in unwanted protection of an open tab--which isn't noticeable until you try to close the tab since there's no indication that the tab is protected!

Overall, I guess this is better than accidentally closing a tab I want open, but not by that much--now, instead of accidentally closing a tab I want to keep open, I run the risk of accidentally protecting a tab I want to close.

Once these issues are fixed, I'll update my rating.