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Is it right that I can not change subject of received emails? Is this addon only for sending emails?

> GSM is only for mails sent, not received ones.
> I think the description is quite explanatory.

My reply to the developer's reply:

The description says "... to manage subjects of emails which are written."
All emails are "written", sent and received ones. OK, now I understand, it's only for composed emails – which is a pity for such a great addon.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.3.4). 

GSM is only for mails sent, not received ones. I think the description is quite explanatory. 3/5 is very tough because you judge the addon on what it does not do and what it does not intend to do...

EDIT: thanks for your reply and change of the ranking. I've updated the description to be clearer too.