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The core functionality works perfectly. However, the GUI has problems. Installing this add-on reduces the number of address lines in the Compose window from four to three, and bloats the Reply and Forward buttons in the CompactHeader toolbar.

Personally, I welcome reducing the number of address lines in the Compose window from four to three. However, bloating two of the CompactHeader toolbar buttons increases the height of the toolbar and looks silly, since all of the other buttons on the toolbar are the correct size.

I have communicated with the developer several times concerning these bugs, but his reply is always that the problems are caused by other add-ons, and that he doesn't have enough time to deal with the problems.

I understand that coding even the simplest project is difficult and takes a lot of time. On the other hand, when you post an add-on for potentially millions of users, it ought to be coded correctly.

With all due respect to the developer, I think that he should either find the time to repair his add-on, or withdraw it.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.6.1). 

I can't confirm Your problems with Stationery + CompactHeader extension. I specifically tested this pair of extensions, because there was some problems. Now in version 0.6.1 of Stationery and 1.2.4 of Compact Headers all works fine.

Your problems with Gui may be related to yet another extension getting in way...

You say:
"I understand that coding even the simplest project is difficult and takes a lot of time. On the other hand, when you post an add-on for potentially millions of users, it ought to be coded correctly."

No. Coding does not take much. Most time is consumed by searching errors, especially errors related to many installed extensions and themes cooperation. So many times one change in some extension break my Stationery... Sometimes my changes break other extensions... And in worst cases there are errors and can't reproduce on my installations... Debugging such cases takes a lot of time.