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The addon works really well, thanks for the effort! I stumbled upon it some time ago because the old "Mail Redirect" addon (https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/mailredirect/) no longer works with the current TBird versions. What I still miss in this addon is the retention of the original date and time information.

Explanation: We often need to redirect misdirected emails to our ticketing system. With the old "Mail Redirect" plugin, not only the sender and recipient were retained, but also the date of the original email. This had the advantage that our ticketing system then chronologically placed the redirected email in the correct position. With this plugin, the redirected email currently still gets the date/time of the redirection, which results in the email arriving in the ticket but being placed chronologically incorrectly.

It would be great if this feature, even as an option, could exist here.

Thank you!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.40). 

the add-on does not modifies the 'Date:' header. It adds a 'Resent-Date:' header but its unlikely that your ticketing system uses that for sorting.
Its more likely that your ticketing system sorts by date/time of arrival and does not use the 'Date:' header for sorting.