Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Kudos to the author -- this is really helpful and there's nothing else like it! It allows you to mark certain messages as requiring a reply -- if a reply doesn't come in by the due date then you can remind people. Very handy!I'm using two Gmail accounts and I do have one issue -- when I use the mail compose window to mark a message as "Expect reply by..." it doesn't show up in my queue of messages expecting replies. But if I go into my Sent messages and mark the message that way, then it works. Is there any way to fix this, since marking it in the Compose window is far preferable.I'm using TB 17.0.06 with RM 0.4 and Lightning 1.9.1 and it works well for me.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.4).