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I works, but has a few bugs:

1) The "readed" status doesn´t get updated until you switch to another folder and come back;

2) The folder structure looks like being recreated everytime we start Thunderbird. So, if we save a search as seach folder, we Thunderbird is restarted, the search forlder is gone.

If you only want to read your emails, it works.

And theres no support.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.2.3). 

Owl is indeed primarily made to read and write email, for people who cannot access their mail otherwise (not counting web mail).

Saved searches indeed are not supported. There are a number of other Thunderbird and Office365 features that we do not support. We decided early on that it's not feasible to support 100% of all Thunderbird *and* Office365 features. Please rate us based on what features we advertize and promise.

We do have a support team and support email address. However, they work on a best-effort basis. If you ask for very deep technical questions, they may not be able to help. The same is true when you call any big company.