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please update this addon to make it compatible with Firefox Quantum version 57 (WebExtension)

Thank you !

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I won't to login on facebook.. I removed an addon.

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I don't mind the Facebook login thingy, but the notes we make per page are only accessible when you're on that page. Also when you close the browser, you loose the notes. Oh well back to copy+paste into notepad.exe...

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I agree with The Taxi Dog about having to log in on Facebook to use this add-on.

I don't have a Facebook account and don't intend to get one. It just ain't gonna happen...

So, this add-on is not for me.

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I dont know how to use it ?
no button no menu \
how to launch it

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.1-signed.1-signed). 

There will be a icon at the right-bottom corner.
Please take a look at http://www.notemyweb.com/ext/firefox.html .

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Why do you require that I sign in using a Facebook account. I want to keep my notes private, like the 'InterNotes' add-on allows.

Sorry guys. I can't use this add-on with these limitations.


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.5.1-signed.1-signed). 

Thank you for your feedback.

I just want to inform you that using facebook account is necessary to uniquely identify you. It doesn't mean that facebook can access your notes.

Since you are logging using facebook, you can see your notes even in other browsers or other computer's using the same facebook account.

So, relying on facebook account is even secure than anything else.

I saw 'InterNotes' and i don't know why you think it's secure.
In InterNotes, any one can open browser and see anyone's notes. You cannot view your notes across browsers or across computer's in InterNotes.

Correct me , if i am wrong.