Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Really great extension, thank you for all your work! This is really how Thunderbird should work "out of the box", in the year 2019! :-)

Just a couple of little things. Firstly, when I enter the contact's name into the "To:" field, the surname is underlined with a wavy red line - I don't wish to spellcheck this (and I already have spellchecking turned off everywhere in thunderbird) - so is there a way to disable the spellchecking of the names? Also, when the name appears in the "To:" field, it is surrounded with a dark blue box which clashes a little with the default Thunderbird look/feel - is there a way to change the colour of this box, or make it a lighter grey?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.9.1). 

Thanks for your feedback !

I kept your suggestions in the github :

Can you provide a screenshot of the "dark blue box" please ?
(you send me via the support email defined in the main addon page, or in the github issue)