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I don't know if you have any influence over it, but when searching for 'extension list' (without the apostrophes) your addon cannot be found. I have no idea why the FF addon search is so crappy, but for your sake maybe you could get the folks at Mozilla to fix it.

There are two things I've encountered which I might suggest improving, and they're minor:

1. Some kind of message that when a list is generated, that it has actually been generated. Currently, it just does it (thumbs-up for that :) ), but you have to go and look for the list to know it was generated.

2. If there were an indicator on the popup saying which list will being generated, it would be more user-friendly. When on the plugins page if I click to generate a list, the popup tile is "Extension List Dumper", but seeing the word "Extensions" irritates until you read through the preview to see which list is actually being generated.

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