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Duplicate This Tab 1.3.1-signed.1-signed Требуется перезапуск
автор vinay
This add-on provides the much needed feature update of Tab Duplication to Mozilla Browsers. Features Supported include Duplication of Browser Tabs, Detaching Tabs and Merging All Windows.
Об этом дополнении
quickemail.007@gmail.com along with details of relevant development/support experience and/or interest!
Whenever a need to have two or more copies of a tab (for many reasons...), detach an existing tab (and place it in a separate window) or want to merge two firefox windows, you'll find this addon to be of great use.
This add-on is a port of the popular Duplicate Tab add-on, which is no longer supported by that add-on's developer.
Happy Browsing and Tabbing!