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if you meant that little + sign next to the tabs, that comes with firefox by default

copy this into userchrome.css, restart, and it should make the + always show


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"by ChoGGi (Developer) on October 24, 2011 #

cutebuttons adds icons, not actual buttons"

Would it be too much of an inconvenience for you to make an addon that adds a new tab button? To compliment the one missing from the Toolbar Buttons addon? Please?

Ok, then it must be the Toolbar Buttons addon that it disappeared from. I used that addon too.

update 12-27-2011: no thats not it, it was just a green plus sign u could add. i think maybe it came from that toolbar buttons add on, not sure.

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you mean like this?

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Could you please put the new tab button back that you took away, or if there never was one, please, make one to compliment the undo and close tab buttons.

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cutebuttons adds icons, not actual buttons