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I like this add-on so much. It really helps me keep my emailing organized and fluid.
There's a bug, though, and it is the folder select (combo box) that used to be below the Subject text box is not present. Not at least in my Linux computer. In my windows computer it does work properly, but not in the Linux one. Well, maybe the bug is not linux related, but i cannot confirm or find more info or debug the thing. What can i do?

Many thanks, your suggetion solved the issue. Anyway in Windows i can have both things active, the combo box and the select on send.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.1.5).  Этот пользователь оставил другие отзывы на это дополнение.

Please be sure you have activated the add-on in the 'copies and folders' pane of the account settings. Also be sure, you haven't activated the 'select after send'-option in the settings of the add-on. If it still doesn't work please contact me by e-mail!