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I'm using this addon into my project factorBEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like to email you, to ask you some things (and, perhaps, to suggest you features you could add to Certificate Patrol!!!!).

Well, i haven't found your email address anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my email address is written here: http://honeybeenet.altervista.org/factorbee/?id=800000 so you should email me first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0). 

in the PSYC chatroom ( https://psyced.org/PSYC/ or psyc://psyced.org/@welcome or xmpp:*welcome@psyced.org or irc://psyced.org/welcome ) linked from the *actual* homepage of the add-on, which is http://patrol.psyced.org