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Just to inform all of you that I contacted the author who told me that he doesn't use TB anymore and does not intend to update this extension for TB 68+

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (7.1). 

Due to the large number of requests from users, Calendar Tweaks has been updated to be compatible with Thunderbird 68 and Lightning 68.

Calendar Tweaks 8.0 is fully compatible with Thunderbird 68 and Lightning 68. This new version retains all of the original features and includes some minor improvements and bug fixes.

Calendar Tweaks 8.0 has been submitted to the Thunderbird team for review and should be released in a week or so.

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Unfortunately it is not working with TB 68.0

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As I wrote in private to the author (I'm the Italian translator of this addon), CT doesn't work anymore starting form TB 60.
Hoping it will update ASAP, I continue to give 5 stars.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (6.3). 

Calendar Tweaks 7.0 is compatible with Thunderbird 60.0, and will be released within a few days.

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I have been using CT for a long time with satisfaction and I'm also its Italian translator.
Like the previous reviewer I also noticed that this addon was broken by TB 31.0 In particular I have 6 calendars (all of them being on Google) and I saw some events were skipped in the Today Panel. At the moment I noticed this on a calendar made only of annual recurring events (birthdays), Some of them were reported, others not.
By deactivatng Calendar Tweaks everything went back ok. I suppose the oroblem could be due to a different manageing of colors which caauses something to disappear, The same happened with the addons ContactTabs which was immediately updated by its author,

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (5.0). 

Calendar Tweaks 6.0 has been released and fixes these problems.

Calendar Tweaks 6.0 is fully compatible with Thunderbird 31.0 and some minor compatibility issues with Thunderbird 24.0.* have been fixed.

Calendar Tweaks 6.0 has two new tweaks (options), both aimed at saving space in the Month/Multiweek Views and the Today Pane:

- Show time and event on single line if no date (Today Pane)

- Reduce height of events (Month/Multiweek Views) (Today Pane)

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I don't know how to contact the author, so I write here. My question is: do you plan to localize this add-on? If so, I can candidate for the Italian localization.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.1).