Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I switched back to an older version so that I can keep Account Colors. I will wait to be sure that the updates are compatible with this application, essential if you have several email addresses. So Thanks for updates

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

With each new version of Thunderbird, this pleasant and practical application is no longer compatible. However, for those who have several email accounts, there is no competitor, to visually distinguish the different addresses.
. Thank you to everyone who can keep this extension valid.

A chaque nouvelle version de Thunderbird, cette application agréable et pratique, n'est plus compatible.
Pourtant pour celles ou ceux qui ont plusieurs comptes mails, elle n'a pas de concurrente, pour départager visuellement les différentes adresses
. Merci à celle ou à celui qui sera capable de maintenir cette extension valide.