Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

If you visit what is presented here as the the processing site, that is TheRealURL.net, you may notice it hard to find (if it is there) this add-on on their homepage, homepage which moreover is closer to an encyclopedia than to an index : some programmers still don't understand that a homepage must be short and attractive, clear and fast to load. In these circumstances why would I even bother with this add-on ?
3 stars as an average of 1 (above mentioned) and 5 (I hate being affirmative of whatever).
Another time, if what I've mentioned has been corrected, maybe then will I spare a few minutes :) Gosh, you have to understand that there are thousands of add-ons here so if you want to make it, commit yourself, that is if you really care.

Indeed, therealurl.net was snatched by some spam site. Thanks for alerting me! I changed the listing to the correct link, http://therealurl.appspot.com

(BTW, most add-on developers don't really "want to make it" - we have our own careers, completely unrelated to these add-ons. I made TheRealURL for my own use and gave to the community hoping others might find it useful too.)

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Would give zero stars if possible - does not work with FF4!

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I pushed an update now that supports Firefox <= 13 - sorry for the delay!

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

Where is 4.0 support?

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Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

There is a big problem with this as an add-on for Thunderbird. I open messages in their own windows and this does NOT give any right click option for TheRealURL within the message window.

To check on the problem I opened a message “In A New Tab” instead, and there TheRealURL worked just fine. So the problem seems to be only with messages opened in their own windows as opposed to in new tabs.

I posted a bug report about this back in June, and heard back quickly; unfortunately the developer doesn't have the time to look into this. So as nice as this add-on is for Firefox, it does not work correctly for Thunderbird, at least for the way that I use it.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This extension does not work on youtube.com on "YouTube - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - LEAKED FULL MOVIE!" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqouwtMYUEs&feature=related
I did not check other youtube.com links but it is likely not to work at these other youtube.com links.
At the place where it says:
"GWbhxpFu — 06 January 2010 — http://tinyurl.com/y96ydo4 Lovestruck teenager Bella must choose between her vampire boyfriend Edward and werewolf Jacob.".
When I check for this tinyurl link just above, it says:
"Cannot expand URL (404)"!!!!!!!!

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

this is good. only problem i do have with your tool. i like to see a small box show url by holding mouse over url. other problem is i cant read all of it on the bottom. better way may help in long run. over all. you do have a better system. thank you.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Wonderful! I came looking for something to help me figure out where bit.ly links were wanting to take me. At home this is no big deal, but at work, I like to know exactly what I'm about to click on.

The way this is set up is to invoke on demand, so you won't have it doing background processing for every page load. It also shows the type of content and title, as well as having options to set more information up.

Excellent work!

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