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TBird 24.2 Just downloaded and installed this addon. I use the "classic" menu bar. I now have an import option under tools., which only includes Eudora. I can find no way to export (there is no button on the Message filters window - or no other way I can find). The extension is not listed in my addons manager, so if I want to remove it there is no apparent way to accomplish that When this is working, I don't know if there is a way to export individual filters from one account to another (which is what I would like), if I have to export all filters as a chunk and import all filters, or if this is more intended to export and import between profiles. I can't find a link to learn more from the author's website. Getting filters from one account to another is a very basic function that shouldn't be so difficult, so If I can get this to work it would be marvelous. I would like to enable and disable this addon as the need arises. I've never had an addon not show up in the addon page before, and am concerned about that.I'll change my review when I understand what this addon is supposed to do and why I cannot see it to remove it if I can't get it to do what I need - or otherwise learn how to remove it.

I've reinstalled (over the previous install), and it now appears in the addon list.