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Can you create an addon to syncronize "User Style Manager" addon styles? I am asking that because it´s similar to Stylish but it´s restartless and i´m trying to convert all my addons to restartless versions.
Here is the link : https://addons.mozilla.org/es-ES/firefox/addon/user-style-manager/?src=ss.
I´m not an advanced developer, so i don´t know how to create the addon. I know that it could be a lot of work and much time, but it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!!!!......

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Unfortunately, there are several problems with "User Style Manager" (USM)
- It's not available for SeaMonkey. This is my main browser and development platform.
- Stylish Sync uses Stylish's API (Service) to read and write styles. USM doesn't seem to have such a public service.

But it seems, USM stores it's styles in Firefox's preferences, so maybe you could just set the corresponding "services.sync.prefs.sync.extensions.UserStyleManager.userStyleList" to "true"?
But it would be best to ask the author.