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ЗакрытьОтвет разработчика Oleksandr
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Until now I had been using the Menu Editor add-on, and with the newer versions of Firefox authenticating add-ons, I discovered that Menu Editor has been discontinued, and I found the Menu Wizard, which I hoped would be a worthy replacement.
Well, I'm happy to say, it definitely is a worthy replacement. After installation (and removal of Menu Editor) I saw that my menus were kind of screwed up quite a bit. It took a little adjustment to use the UI, but quickly enough I was able to restore my menus to the way that I like them.
So, in general, Menu Wizard does the job quite well and I'm happy with it, but...
...just one small problem (for me, at least): I cannot delete an item permanently from a menu (the Tab Context Menu, in this case). I have some extraneous separators in some of my menus, which I think are artifacts of the Menu Editor, although I'm not absolutely certain of that. I can disable these separators so that they are not displayed, but I don't like to keep things around when I know that I'll never use them, so I wanted to clean up my menus and delete the extra separators (among other things), and that's when I discovered that I cannot delete the separators permanently. There are some other things that I want to add at least temporarily, but I'm reticent to do so because I'm not certain that I'll be able to remove them permanently if I don't want to keep them.
So for me the question is: Is it possible to delete an item from a menu?
Other than that, this is a great tool. :)
> ...just one small problem (for me, at least):
please send me letter: pag77@mail.ru
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