Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I found this absolutely necessary but it stopped working in the latest Tbird version. People say it's now built-in but I can't see how to get it working. The default is still brain-dead if you use threads.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

This extension is no longer necessary since Previous and Next are available and now work in newer versions of Thunderbird. The extension either looks for icons that don't exist, or does not provide Real Previous and Real Next icons. Since text uses twice as much space as small icons, this is not practical. I will round up to three stars.
Cette extension n'est plus nécessaire depuis Précédent et Suivant sont disponibles et travaillent maintenant dans les nouvelles versions de Thunderbird. L'extension semble que ce soit pour les icônes qui n'existent pas, ou ne fournit pas de vrais Précédent et Suivant icônes réel. Puisque le texte utilise l'espace deux fois plus que les petites icônes, ce n'est pas pratique. Je vais arrondir à trois étoiles.
Esta extensión ya no es necesaria, ya Anterior y Siguiente están disponibles y trabajan ahora en las nuevas versiones de Thunderbird. La extensión o bien busca los iconos que no existen, o no proporciona verdaderos iconos Siguiente Anterior y Real. Puesto que el texto emplea el espacio de dos veces más que los iconos pequeños, esto no es práctico. Voy a reunir a tres estrellas.

You are correct - this extension is no longer necessary. So why did you install it and leave a negative review? It worked fine in the versions of Thunderbird that are listed in the description. I stopped development after that because, once again, the extension is no longer needed. I hope you don't go around "rounding up to 3 stars" for issues that aren't relevant on other developers' hard work.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Very good module. I don't understand why it's not standard !
Some possible improvement :
- Synchronize selected message in main window.
- Inactivate button when arrive at top or end of list.
Thanks a lot.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

At last--something that's been needed since forever. And it really works. Great add-on!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This functionality is built into Thunderbird starting at version 13. (aceman told me)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

works great with WIN7pro 64bit, TB10.02.

Thank you very much.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great fix! Thank you.

Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


Thank you for the update so that I don't have to hack the old version of the add-in to make it work in newer versions of TB, and thank you for getting icons that work as well. Much appreciated.

As the name says, this provides REAL previous/next functionality. I'm sure that skipping only between unread messages makes sense to someone, just not to me. I have respectfully recommend that THIS should be the default previous/next functionality in TB.

Thanks for the kind words! I agree 100% with your opinion that this should be the default functionality. Or at the very least, be an option in the advanced config editor. Moving between only unread messages seems rather pointless to me. Oh well.. this gave me some good experience with Mozilla plugins!

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

I had really missed the original RealPrevNextButtons. Thanks for updating it!

Two changes would make it perfect.

1. Fix the graphics, because only the words are there.
2. As you move between messages, also move the highlight on the list of messages to show which message is being displayed.

(Using Thunderbird 10.0.2)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.2).