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Disapointing. The date is a pretty important field yet all thats offered is the date of printout not the date received or date received header. Makes plugin useless if this is important and not in the text. (vers 1.2.4)

You could print all the headers - no way to selectively choose just one header, eg the date header which would also have done the trick. Printing all the headers is way to verbose for me, so again I would say a tool that because it is badly thought out ends up as useless.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.2.3). 

This extension exists since long time and nobody ever asked me about such a feature, that's why I never thought about it.
Anyway I understand that it can be a useful information to have in the print and so I will try to add this feature in future versions.