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Much better than the original and works well on FF 17.0.1.

On TB 16.0.2, however, prevents attached pdf files from being opened - crashes TB when an attempt is made to open an attached pdf file.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения ( 

Can't reproduce on Thunderbird 16.0.2, 17.0.2 + Adobe Reader 10.1.5, 11.0.1.
Are you sure, that Link Properties Plus are cause your crash? Try open the same attached pdf with disabled extension.

Anyway, extension can't crash parent application itself, it just uses some application APIs, so real reason is bugs in Thunderbird or in pdf plugin (I'm not sure, how pdf plugin works in Thunderbird).

Also you can try enable extensions.linkPropertiesPlus.download.forceFakeURIHack preference in Thunderbird's about:config (Tools – Options – Advanced – General – Config Editor…).

And try update Thunderbird to latest 17.0.2 version.

And finally
"Please do not post bug reports in reviews. We do not make your email address available to add-on developers and they may need to contact you to help resolve your issue. See the support section to find out where to get assistance for this add-on."