Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thank you for keeping DOMi alive.

I can't seem to copy items from the DOM Node (right-click menu>copy)
Win7 x64 Firefox 59.0a1 (2017-12-08) (64-bit)

TypeError: Components.interfaces.nsIEntityConverter is undefined[Learn More] utils.js:89:11
IU_UnicodeToEntity chrome://inspector/content/utils.js:89:11
DOMA_ToString chrome://inspector/content/jsutil/system/clipboardFlavors.js:61:10
toString self-hosted:644:5
Utils_Copy_DoTransaction chrome://inspector/content/jsutil/commands/baseCommands.js:125:43
execCommand chrome://inspector/content/inspector.xml:277:13
oncommand chrome://inspector/content/viewers/domNode/domNode.xul:1:1

NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS: Component returned failure code: 0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS) [nsITransactionManager.doTransaction] inspector.xml:277
execCommand chrome://inspector/content/inspector.xml:277:13
oncommand chrome://inspector/content/viewers/domNode/domNode.xul:1:1

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Nice! Keeping updating thx

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All that is missing is e10s support so content can be inspected.

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am i looking at it right that the only difference between Dom Inspector plus and standard DOM inspector 2.0.14 are
the extra menu box model plus and horizontal scrollbars in #trDOMTree instead of the window columns resizing to fit?

im not proficient enough to understand or use box model info so only the scrollbars appeal, but worth using just for that

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Nice, works well and loads quickly.
some sub elements (id's) need to be double-clicked as expand tree > arrow is nested in id and does not expand when clicked.

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