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Thank you very much Strim for the dropbox link.

It works perfectly !

As you are able to perform miracles, I am taking the liberty to ask you a further question.

Before the update to Thunderbird 24.0, I had the ability to put a specific icon, and to use a specific font color, to any of my Thunderbird folders
To do that I used :
- Mail Tweak 1.0pre10 (Icon Folder checked) : http://mailtweak.mozdev.org/installation.html
- a userChrome.css file where the content could be as follows :
treechildren::-moz-tree-image(folderNameCol, name-Test)
{list-style-image: url('icon1.png') !important;}
treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(folderNameCol, name-Test)
{color: DarkCyan !important; font-weight: bold !important;}
- icon png images
- userChrome.css and icon png images were located in C:\Users\Myname\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\xxxxxx.default

Thus, for the folder named Test :
- the icon named icon1 was dispayed
- the folder name text was displayed in DarkCyan colour

Would you have an idea on how :
- either to make Mail Tweak compatible with Thunderbird 24
- or to amend Color Folder extension in order to allow the customization of icon folders and of the font color folder text

Thank you very much in advance for any reply.


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